Friday, November 5, 2010


About a year ago or maybe a little less than a year ago, I went to the doctor for my yearly check up. When I went to the doctor I also planned to ask about getting on some type of depression medicine. Both my mom and dad suffer from depression and I had noticed my depression was getting worse. I had no idea how to stop being depressed and get out of my depression. When I talked to her about it she told me she was not going to put me on depression medicine cause she had hoped that I could deal with it on my own and not have to rely on medicine. I was really upset because I did not know how to handle or deal with it and I wanted help from depression medicine. The reason I am mentioning this is because for about a week to two weeks now I have been really depressed and I am not clearly sure why. I still don't know how to handle it and deal with it. Because I have been depressed I have went days without eating cause I have not felt like eating. I know that is not good for my body but anytime i try to force myself to eat it makes me sick. i don't want to have to rely on medication I want to make myself better but at this point i am so far into depression that i have no idea how to help myself and get out. I try to talk to my best friend and that helped me a little bit yesterday but then the depression gets worse and comes right back. I am looking to the internet now for advice on how to get over depression and I hope that I find something soon before this depression completely takes over my life.

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