Thursday, December 2, 2010

Coming to an End

It is hard to believe that only six months ago I was walking across the stage of my high school graduation and now I am half way through with my first year in college. It is exciting but scary. I am definitely looking forward to break. Looking forward to taking a short break from my busy schedule and just have time with the family to relax and enjoy there presence. But it is scary because we are approaching finals and of course that is stressful and scary because you want to do good and I have to work so much that I am worried I may not do the greatest on the test. But I am trying to stay positive and take all the extra time I can to study so that I be sure to do good on my test. I cannot believe this semester is coming to an end. Only a few more days left in class. It is so crazy. I do wish everyone the best of luck on their finals and a safe Christmas break and the best of luck next semester and the rest of our lives.