Wednesday, September 29, 2010

This is getting old

Almost a month ago my best friend and I were in my car heading to pick up a friend of mine in Alexandria. We were all going to go to the Ball State game that night. I had to pick my sister up from school and take her to my grandparent's before I left though. I picked my sister up from YHS and headed back to Muncie. We stopped at a gas station so i could get gas and put some oil in my car. After I filled my car up with oil we drove away and my car started to blow smoke from the back big time. My car also wouldn't drive very well i had to push all the way down on the gas pedal to get it to do anything. Luckily my best friend lived down the road from my grandparents so I went to pick her up. Then we went to EARL'S  to see if they could tell me what was wrong with my car.  They told me my car was not drivable and I 'd have to find a way home. Luckily my step dad was right down the road so he picked us up. My day was suppose to be fun and exciting and it turned awful. He dropped my friend and I off at the game anyways. We went to the game and had a good time then went to Bdubs with my aunt and her boyfriend Jason. We hung out with then for a while. About a week later after getting into it with my dealership i bought  the car from my car was towed back to where I bought it from. Well I was told at first that it was a timing belt issue. I later received a call saying they did not know what was wrong with it. They ran a diagnostic test and found that it was my engine that needs replaced. Great that's going to cost sooo much money. Its been two weeks and I have not heard anything from  anything. I have called and called and called asking them to tell me something but they never call back. I am really getting sick of this place. My mom knows the owner of my car dealership. So she talked to him directly the other day and told him we needed to know something. As of right now I am still making car payments on a car I don't have and can't drive. I think that because I am still making payments the least they can do is tell me whats going on. Chad, the owner. told my mom that Jim is looking for a motor for my car. Ok! Great at least I know something is going on! But first off why can't they tell me why do we have to get the owner involved in order to get anything solved. Its stupid and shouldn't take all of that. So anyways I basically found out that I am still going to be without a car for a while. It is not a big deal to me because I walk to my classes and stuff it just sucks not having the car because i work about 5 to 6 days a week. Most nights I work I close which means I get off around midnight sometimes later. If I don't have a ride home then I have to walk. I have to walk from Fazolis on McGalliard back here to my dorm. Its at least a 40  minute walk. And a girl walking alone that late at night is scary. I don't mind walking to work when its broad day light but walking at midnight sucks. This whole not having a car thing is really getting old. And receiving this news is just the icing to the awful week I have had.

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